Friday, December 18, 2015

El Mono Silabo... A Classroom Favorite!

Sometimes it feels like it's hard to find quality materials in Spanish to engage children or introduce topics to children, but when you find something quality, you can immediately see it 'click' with them. I have found several videos that we try to watch weekly to reinforce certain concepts. For example, when we do Calendar, we sing our "Meses del año" and "Dias de la semana" video/song, which the children really enjoy. We also have an alphabet video/song, that although it goes a bit fast, has been the one I have found the kids enjoy the most!

Once I began working on syllables with the children, I introduced "El Mono Silabo," our friendly monkey friend who will be helping us learn about syllables and how to read in Spanish. These videos are found on YouTube and I am seeing so much progress and engagement from the students when it's time to learn about our new syllables of the week. We watch the videos and I will stop occasionally throughout to ask students to read the words or sentences that they show in the video!

I introduced the syllables "ba, be, bi, bo, bu" this week before winter break, and plan on showing it again the week we are back in school in January, to refresh their minds, with their favorite little monkey (and his crazy friend!).

Here is the link to the YouTube channel where all the videos are found: El Mono Silabo

Here is a short video of my kids singing the S syllables while watching the video and a picture :)

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