Monday, November 23, 2015


Hi everyone:) Welcome to my Learning Bilingually blog! Bienvenidos!

I am so excited to be starting this blog and sharing with you my adventures as a dual language elementary teacher! This past summer 2015 I moved from New York City to South Florida (big change I know!) so that I could start my job at Gator Run Elementary. I was hired to be the Kindergarten Dual Language teacher, on the Spanish side, for their new dual language program! I am currently in my first year of teaching and really enjoying it while also continuously learning a lot about the intersection of primary education and the language learning process.

It might be a combination of first year teaching with teaching solely in Spanish to Kindergarteners, but I have been creating a lot of my materials for my lessons/my classroom (since our K team teaches through thematic units) and that's why I also decided to start my own teacherspayteachers site as well as chronicle my adventures in dual language through this blog!

I hope to be able to generate conversation about the importance of dual language and how we can continuously develop this conversation across the nation, but also help/inspire any other dual language educators who might be experiencing similar struggles and accomplishments!

Thank you & enjoy!

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